We are Norwood Action Group
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For more than 20 years NAG has been dedicated to ‘the economic, environmental and social regeneration of the Norwood area’. It is officially recorded as a community organisation presenting a collective view.
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The proposed Waste Metal Site will have 220 vehicle movements each day, many like this

St Luke’s clock and chimes restored thanks to a NAG campaign

The community and NAG worked to win back the wonderful library

The proposed Waste Metal Site will have 220 vehicle movements each day, many like this
NAG made major submissions to Lambeth and to the Government Inspector at the draft and review stage of the currently applicable 2015 Lambeth Local Plan. Also to the draft 2020 Lambeth Local Plan.
NAG makes a difference! Help us put forward your interests and concerns.
Some Current Campaigns:
Opposing the creation of a major new waste metal yard close to West Norwood town centre that would generate much heavy traffic and pollution
Reviewing all local planning applications to Lambeth to assess whether they raise issues for the community, and submit comments in support as well as objection as appropriate
Calling and hosting public meetings to inform and engage residents in debate with Lambeth Officers and councillors, and other private entities
Pedestrian and cyclist safety on Thurlow Park Road
Improvements to Healthy Route plans – the proposed cycle route and pedestrian improvements which would run along Rosendale Road, Clive Road and then to Crystal Palace via Gipsy Hill
The continuing bridge strikes, which have the potential for serious injury, even fatalities
Rosendale Playing Fields use and security
Knollys Road industrial area – housing v. jobs and the major issues this raises
Persuading Lambeth Planning to take enforcement action concerning serious and serial offenders against planning regulations
Seeking to protect shops and businesses from erosion through change of use to residential
Helping improve our rail stations, and better rail services
NAG is forward looking and has contributed to the promotion and protection of many of West Norwood, Tulse Hill and Upper Norwood’s positive features. These aims remain at the heart of NAG’s constitution. Receive our free email newsletters (link at top-right), full of local news, much you won’t discover anywhere else! We have many live ongoing projects. Come to a public meeting, participate and learn more.
Join NAG with full voting rights at meetings to support our local work – just £5 per year.

The proposed Waste Metal Site will have 220 vehicle movements each day, many like this

St Luke’s clock and chimes restored thanks to a NAG campaign

The community and NAG worked to win back the wonderful library

The proposed Waste Metal Site will have 220 vehicle movements each day, many like this
NAG has always been informal with an open membership for local people. The Committee and other active members are able to react quickly to urgent issues on a non-political basis. We all give our time completely free. NAG’s abiding strength is that it is entirely independent and sets its own agenda, and works cooperatively with other groups, such as Norwood Forum, Norwood Planning Assembly, Norwood Feast, Station to Station, StreetWorks.
NAG and Norwood Forum are joint founders of Norwood Planning Assembly. This is constituted under the 2011 Localism Act which provides a statutory basis for local people to create a neighbourhood plan for West Norwood and Tulse Hill. Subject to acceptance at referendum, this would become integrated with Lambeth and London planning policy creating statutory council policy.
In recent years, NAG has achieved, or helped to achieve, many worthwhile successes including:
With Norwood Forum, founding a neighbourhood planning forum: Norwood Planning Assembly
The restoration of St Luke’s church garden and re-installation of railings to the original 1822 pattern
The repair and renovation of St Luke’s nationally significant historic Vulliamy clock, and clock faces
Later restoring the chimes to St Luke’s church clock, last heard before World War 2 Hear the chimes!
Successfully campaigning to change the draft 2015 Lambeth Local Plan to remove the incentive to high-rise developments and to keep Norwood High Street as part of the district centre
Objecting to various unhelpful or impactful planning proposals resulting in either useful modification or abandonment of plan, including: waste transfer station planned for Ernest Avenue, major developments at Chapel Road, at the Tennis Club on Knight’s Hill, the new Fire Station, redevelopment on Dalton Street, a major development at Avenue Park Road, inappropriate development beside Big Yellow on Knight’s Hill, gym instead of workspace at Parkhall.
Attending Lambeth Planning Application Committee Meetings, also Appeal Inquiries, to make representations
The renovation of the old Woolworth’s, now Sainsbury’s, white terracotta façade.
Installation of town centre hanging baskets
Improvement of town centre Christmas lights – ongoing challenge!
Supporting the good plans of existing and new businesses who need planning permission to provide a better service to local people and be more viable
Bus extension to Peabody Estate – helping people on the estate and nearby decide whether they wanted the service and then supporting them in defeating the proposal
Assisting Lambeth to refuse consent for large and unsightly advert hoardings at the Grade 2 listed 1914 Fire Station – next task is to encourage enforcement against what is currently there
Leading local total opposition to large advertising hoardings on local public park railings, including St Luke’s railings, achieving withdrawal of the plan
Want to get involved? Join NAG today!